Sunday, February 12, 2012

You Know You're a Teacher When... get home from school and find random items in your pockets.

It seems like every day I find at least one of these items in my pockets.  Typically it's the dry erase markers I carry in my back pockets during class, but occasionally I have found Tech Decks (the little finger skateboards), Pokemon cards, and other little toys.

Apparently this is part of a Linky party, which I had never heard of before but it's fun. :)  Thanks to Jeannie at Kindergarten Lifestyle for hosting this!

Kindergarten Lifestyle


  1. love the post - you can join my linky party by looking to the bottom on my post where everyone's little buttons are - there is a small blue post that says "add a link" - click there!!

    I am a new follower!

    ­Kindergarten Lifestyle

    Kindergarten Lifestyle Facebook Fan Page

  2. Thanks! I posted my link and am so excited you are a follower! :)

  3. Cute! I'm a new follower too! Love the stars!!

  4. agreed the stars are super cool and so it your avatar!!

  5. Thank you so much! I am totally tickled pink right now that I have 3 new followers today :)

  6. The other day I came home with a yellow marker, an eraser, a white crayon and two toilet icons ( I teach sped ). lol!

    Im a new follower!

    Ms. Rachel’s Room
