Saturday, February 11, 2012

Angry Birds Attack Poetry

Disclaimer: I do not own Angry Birds or claim any rights to them at all.  They belong to Rovio.  The following items are FREE.

Well now that we got started with the disclaimer, I can explain my brilliant idea.  My students are very much in to Angry Birds... and I must admit I am too.  It had been one of those days where I thought to myself, "I need something fresh and fun or I am going to go crazy".  I finally took something that we all loved and turned it in to a learning opportunity.

My students created Angry Bird poems.  Here are the directions:

Here is the board I put together:

My students had a blast with this activity.  They were all surprised that we used Angry Birds in class and were even more surprised at the board I created with it.  We all had a great time with this activity and it helped sparked their interest in poetry.  They now realize that poetry can be written about anything.

Let me know what you think about this idea down in the comments! I'm also open to other ideas on how to use Angry Birds. :)

Have a great Saturday night!



  1. We're working on poetry right now in my class and this is a GREAT idea. Just tried to download though it it wouldn't work. I'll try again later Thanks.

  2. That's so odd it wouldn't download. Here is a fresh link incase that would help. :) If you still have troubles send me your email and I can send it directly to you.
