Thursday, January 11, 2018

Day 11 #Trickle Challenge - #OneWord2018

#OneWord2018 has been all over Twitter and through the Hyperdocs group on Facebook. I had heard of this last year a bit, but never looked further into it. To be honest, I never quite understood it and how it was so revolutionary over selecting a New Year's Resolution.  This year I decided to give it a shot and learn more about it.

I found the #OneWord2018 Hyperdoc by Sean Fahey in the Hyperdocs group on Facebook. Looking over it, I liked the videos he included and thought it looked like fun. Honestly, I never thought it would have the impact it did one me personally.  

I thought long and hard about what my one word would be for the year. I constantly flip flopped back and forth over words - balance, creativity, etc. I decided to move on and watch one of the video clips I had never seen before, so that I could preview it before showing it to my class.  The impact this clip had on me... was crazy. Watch the clip below before continuing to read this post.

Facing The Giants - Death Crawl Scene.

After watching this I just sat there staring at my computer screen.  Thoughts began flooding through my mind as I quickly wrote them down to be sure to share with my class the next day.  

How many times do we limit ourselves by just setting a goal? How much further could we push ourselves if we could not see a physical goal and had to work our best all year? 

The next day I showed this clip to my class and they sat in silence after it was done. I was worried they were in a daze wondering what the point was, but it was the exact opposite!  They were on the same page I was! They were blown away by the clip.  We had a great discussion using the questions above as well as other ideas they brought up.

We talked about why one word would be such a better driver for the new year than setting a New Years Resolution, which when reached, seems like a dead end.  My students were so pumped and on board! Keep an eye on my Twitter for pictures of their #OneWord2018 drawings.

So.... after all of this... yes I finally came up with my one word:


With having jumped into the #TrickleChallenge, researched how to be a better story writer, and starting to take a lot more pictures of everything. I decided I would follow and share my passions this year.

What's your #OneWord2018? Share in the comments below!

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