Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Birthday 4th Grade Frolics!!

Check out the party that I just joined over at 4th Grade Frolics!  
It's an awesome blog with a lot of great ideas!

Not only should you check out the blog because of the amazing party and the other blogs that are joining in, but you need to be sure to watch for "Made It Mondays"!
Every Monday there will be a blog post for something she made for her classroom/school and also something she does at home.  You can easily join in by posting something you made for your classroom/school on Monday and copy the button over.
Hopefully I'll be posting to that soon! :)
I hope you guys go and check out it!


I Have Returned!

I am finally back!  I am so sorry for the unexpected hiatus... what can I say?  Life happens.  I've spent the past several months back and forth to the veterinarian's office for my different pets, dealing with family things, and finishing up the school year.  I have also taken in an abandoned litter of kittens that I spent most of May bottle feeding.

Now I am back and feeling completely refreshed since it is summer!  I have already begun planning new and exciting things for my classroom next year and working on my writing and photography.  Tomorrow I will be posting some kitten pictures and also some new teaching things that I have been working on.

I hope your summers are going well!

Thanks for hanging around!