Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Here We Go!

Well, here it goes.  I have been talking about doing a blog for some time now and now I am finally doing it!  I guess first things first.  Who am I? What is this blog about?

Well first off, if you want to know more about me just visit the 'About Me' page using the link on the right. :)  Short story: I am a teacher, a writer, a photographer, a daydreamer, Disney enthusiast, animal lover, and all around geek (I'm talking like anime, comic books, and super heroes).  I dream of traveling to new places, especially Paris.

Now... What is this blog about?

This blog will be used to share my experiences, thoughts, writings, photos, daydreams, and ramblings.  I will be posting photos I have taken, excerpts from stories and poems I have written, as well as lesson plans and ideas I have used in my classroom.

I will admit that I am very nervous to put myself out there like this, but I am really hoping to receive some helpful and insightful comments to make myself a better writer, photographer, and teacher.  The only way one can become better at anything is to open themselves up and share their work with others and learn from the comments.

What better way to start the new year than to start something new?  I was very determined to begin a blog at the beginning of this year and now here we are.  Thank you so much for stopping by.  Please share this with your friends. I promise it will get more exciting. :)

Now to leave you with a picture I took of one of my roses with the morning dew on it.  What do you think?  I edited it using Picnik.  I used the Cinemascope effect after sharpening it with the basic editing tools.
