Monday, June 25, 2012

Amusement Park Math Freebie

Well here goes nothing! My first time joining in on Classroom Freebies Manic Mondays and Freebie Fridays.  I am so excited and hoping that everyone enjoys my freebie.

I don't know about some of you, but after teaching the same grade level for 6 years straight I felt that I needed to change some things up.  I needed to incorporate some new ideas and projects not only to engage the students more, but to help get me excited about lessons too!  This project was inspired by a problem in our math book.

So here it is! Amusement Park Graphing!  Every year that I have done this my students have totally enjoyed it.  It's a great activity to do before Open House and makes an awesome bulletin board display as well.

Here are some of the items the packet includes:
-A writing activity about their amusement park
-Drawing a map of the amusement park
-Plotting the points (ordered pairs) for their attractions

Click on the picture or HERE to be taken to the Google Doc where you can download the packet for free.  :)

If you liked the activity please let me know! :)

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Freebie Fridays


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Homework & Reading Log, Lesson Plans, & A Cute Kitty

Good Sunday morning!

Well... I decided I needed to spice up my blog a bit.  It needed something to make it pop, so I went in search of blog backgrounds and this is what I found!  What do you think?  I really like it and it makes me feel like a 'real' blogger LOL

I hope everyone's weekend is going well so far.  Right now I am sitting here with my dog begging for attention.  He has now started this terrible habit of whining when he wants something.... I must admit though he is very cute with the way he looks at me.

Aside from my dog needing attention I have been working on some other school related items.  Here is what I have done so far:

Homework Log
This set includes the homework log you see above, signs to print out and laminate for your homework board, and a PowerPoint presentation to fill out as your students fill out their log.  You can find the whole set HERE at my store.

Reading Log
 This is a 2 page reading log, can be printed back to back.  It includes a space for students to track what they've read and how long they've read each night with a parent signature line below it.  There is also an activity for the students to do each night to go along with their reading.  You can find the whole set HERE at my store.

Teacher Lesson Plans
This is just a cute, generic set of lesson plans.  Being an intermediate teacher I know how it is to not have the exact same schedule each day due to programs like Music, Art, Band, and Chorus.  Above each box is a spot for you to write the time and the subject.  This is FREE over HERE at my store.

Now I'm going to leave you with a picture of one of my 'babies'.

This little guy is Otter Pop.  He enjoys playing with toys and chasing my dog (all in good fun).  I believe he was the first born in the litter because he was the first to eat dry food and to use the litter box.  My adorable Otter Pop loves to cuddle right up against your neck and give you kisses on the cheek.

That's all for now, but be sure to check back tomorrow.  I'm going to join Classroom Freebies Too in their Manic Mondays, so I will be posting an awesome FREE activity!!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Standard & Objectives Posters

Well it's summer time and I simply cannot get my mind off of school.  Have I mentioned how excited I am for next year? :)  I have so many new ideas to do next year and a huge lists of projects to complete this summer.

Project #1

Towards the end of last year we found out the school district I work for was going to implement DII (Direct Interactive Instruction) from Action Learning Systems.  At first it was an overwhelming thought, everyone was thinking it was just one more thing to do... but it wasn't!  It was simply just teaching us how to be better teachers and how to better engage the students.  The experience was wonderful.  My team and I really enjoyed it and took a lot from it.  If your school is looking into it, get excited!  I highly recommend this!

One of the things we learned was to break down the standards.  If you are like I am, my team and I had already done this for some of the standards which clearly have different pieces to them.  However we were taught to take it one step further and break down some of the more difficult, complex standards into smaller, more manageable lessons using objectives.  The point of the objectives was to help concentrate the focus of the lesson better.

My grade level and I worked together to break everything down into objectives and typed it all up. I then took what we typed up and made cutesy posters using graphics from The 3AM Teacher . :)  I am all about making things cute and colorful.

 Here is a peek at how they turned out:

The entire set of 5th grade standards are available HERE.  I hope you guys enjoy them!

Off to the next project!


PS: Thanks again to The 3AM Teacher for allowing me to use her graphics for my cute posters.  Check out her store for more super cute clip art.


Friday, June 15, 2012

Happy Birthday 4th Grade Frolics!!

Check out the party that I just joined over at 4th Grade Frolics!  
It's an awesome blog with a lot of great ideas!

Not only should you check out the blog because of the amazing party and the other blogs that are joining in, but you need to be sure to watch for "Made It Mondays"!
Every Monday there will be a blog post for something she made for her classroom/school and also something she does at home.  You can easily join in by posting something you made for your classroom/school on Monday and copy the button over.
Hopefully I'll be posting to that soon! :)
I hope you guys go and check out it!


I Have Returned!

I am finally back!  I am so sorry for the unexpected hiatus... what can I say?  Life happens.  I've spent the past several months back and forth to the veterinarian's office for my different pets, dealing with family things, and finishing up the school year.  I have also taken in an abandoned litter of kittens that I spent most of May bottle feeding.

Now I am back and feeling completely refreshed since it is summer!  I have already begun planning new and exciting things for my classroom next year and working on my writing and photography.  Tomorrow I will be posting some kitten pictures and also some new teaching things that I have been working on.

I hope your summers are going well!

Thanks for hanging around!